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Ineffective OIC

Organization of Islamic Conference

OIC is the abbreviation of “Organization of Islamic Cooperation” and is an organizational body consisting of 57 Muslim countries globally. This organization is the second largest organization after UNO (United Nations Organization) with an aim to enhance brotherhood and solidarity among the Muslim states. It was established to bring all Muslim states on one platform but has been ineffective right from the start till today.

Muslim leaders met in Rabat (Kingdom of Morocco) in response to the attack by Zionists on Al-Aqsa Masjid and laid the foundation stone for this organization in 1969. Its basic purpose at that time was to defend Muslim holy shrine of Al-Aqsa from Zionist occupation and to muster up force to liberate the land of Palestine from illegal Israeli occupation. At the end of this conference Muslim states strongly condemned Israeli criminal arson. However, this style of only condemnation continued to follow OIC throughout coming years and is still in the same condition.

During Gulf war, OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) issued only condemnation statements against Saddam regime asking him to withdraw Iraqi troops from Kuwait but never did anything practical. Afghan Jihad era also saw an ineffective role of OIC when it suspended the membership of Afghanistan but did nothing to compel Russians to withdraw their forces their forces from Afghanistan.

After 9/11 attacks on World Trade Centre and the American invasion of Afghanistan, OIC was once again limited to statements and condemnations urging America to stop attacking Muslim countries but was in vain. Same was the case when America attacked Iraq on the pretext of false claims of Weapons of mass destruction. OIC once again issued statements USA Iraq but with no fruitful results.

OIC is a mere spectator during the whole affair of Arab spring, Arab spring brought democratic changes in certain countries but proved disastrous for other countries. Egypt saw an Islamist rising with massive public support but Morsi’s Islamic government was soon toppled by General Sissi, leading the country towards a civil chaos. Saudi Monarchy’s support for General Sissi led to the dis-functionality of OIC as an organization, not even issued a statement against General Sissi’s illegal military cough.

Even worse is the role of OIC in the Syrian war, where conflicting parties are being supported by two giants, Iran and Saudi. Saudi Arab is supporting anti-Assad rebels and providing them arms and ammunition whereas Iran is supporting Assad and his allied Arab militias and Hezbollah. This has practically divided OIC into two opposite blocks, Shia, and Sunni blocks. Yemen can be seen as another failure for OIC where Saudis and Iranians are supporting opposing sides in the ongoing civil war. Same is the case with Lebanon and some other countries.

In Burma, thousands of Muslims have been slaughtered by Buddhist Monks but OIC is in no position to stop them from doing so. Muslim leaders are just contented to mere speeches and statements.  Kashmir is also a blot on OIC’s face which has been occupied by Indians since 1947 and more than one lac Muslims have been killed by Inhumane Indian troops. International war on terrorism, Islamophobia, and rise of extremism are some of the problems that have emerged recently and OIC must bring all Muslim countries to counter these issues otherwise this organization would be a true reflection of the statement of the former Malaysian President Mahathir Muhammad who used to say “O I see”.

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